Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Eggcitement

We had a fun Easter with Alli this year.  We took her to her first Easter Egg hunt-she was so cute running around picking up all the eggs, and she had a ball playing at the park after wards-she loves slides:)

It was such a nice weekend with sun and warmth so we decided to celebrate it going shopping for some flowers and shrubs to plant in our backyard this year-Alli wanted to sit on the cart-and fall off of it too:)

Alli liked her Easter basket-it had a chick "baby" in it that she had to hug first before moving on and then she got some much needed "coot shoes" as she calls them, luckily every shoe she sees is "coot":) bubbles, a Disney movie, and sandbox toys finished it off.

Picking up Easter eggs on Sunday morning (before breakfast) and eating everything inside... Don't know if skittles were a good idea for egg treats though:)
 Skittle drool, yummy!

Grandma Snow's Easter card with $$ and Nana Snow's Easter package with a fun "horsie" purse, books, and treats-we love surprises that come in the mail:)

On Sunday we enjoyed the nice sunshine with our buddies The Albrecht's and Hunter's with some fun at the park before General Conference started. We thought maybe they could get a few jitters out before it all started, but it didn't seem to help-3 toddlers together doesn't = quiet time:)

Alli was fascinated and a little unsure of this tunnel, but she took the plunge and it sure was exciting-for her anyways:)
We had a wonderful weekend and it was so fun to share in the excitement with Alli because she thinks the simplest things are so exciting & fascinating, it makes parenthood fun!


Anonymous said...

she has gotten so big!! Looks like you guys had fun.

Cody, Tawsha, and Ashlee said...

what a fun easter it looks like you had....your daughter is stinkin cute!!!!

Marcie said...

Oh my gosh Lacy she is so beautiful!! What a fun weekend.

Rebecs said...

She is so cute! Once they get old enough to participate in holiday festivities, like you said, it makes parenthood so fun! I must admit, I am so jealous of her olive skin! It looks like it has been so nice out your way. We finally had a warm day on Saturday, now that Easter and spring break are over!

Stizz said...

I love all of her facial expressions. :) One of my fave's is the raised eyebrows. And I love the stripped pj's. :)

Kristen Westbrook said...

Alli looks like she had a great Easter, not to mention the weather looks so nice....How Fun!!!