Monday, June 28, 2010

the dave matthews experience

Brian gave Dave Matthews Band concert tickets to us-I mean me- for Mother's Day.  I think it was more for him, but I got to go along j/k ;)  No, it was a great concert and he does sound pretty amazing live.  We had a good time swaying to the music-as well as a few others around us-our swaying was all natural though.  As far as everyone else,  it was most likely drinking induced(or marijuana). Let's just say Brian and I learned a few things at that concert! :)

So, one nice evening out with the just the two of us + Dave Matthews live= one heck of a night!
Sorry Beau & Shannon for making you jealous:)

A pic before the concert started-it was outside at Huntington Park Baseball field and we got to be up pretty close

Dave Matthews startin' up

Us halfway through, it was muggy towards the middle of the concert and I forgot an elastic to pull my hair back! Uggh! Brian was nice enough though to hold my hair up off my neck for the rest.  What a nice hubby I have:)

My favorite song of D. M. is "You and Me"-Check it out!

This is a pic of the crowd we were engulfed in - no wonder it was muggy:)  We left just a few minutes early to get home before it was too late

Thanks to Josh, Dave & Steph for tag teaming it up and watching Alli for us!  What great friends we have:)

Oh and this is Brian on Father's Day with our little J'ster who doesn't ever pose when you want her to.  He got a book that he has been reading every day since...
An Autobiography
Larry H. Miller

No wonder-Larry's the man behind the Jazz!
We are 2 lucky girls!

1 comment:

Kristen Westbrook said...

Looks like you guys are livin it up! How fun!