Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Things for a New Year...

These next few months I have set a few goals that hopefully will get accomplished-I'm not one to set New Year's Resolutions, but I hope now that I actually have them in print, I will be more geared up to making them happen!  Here they are:

1. To attempt to potty train Alli-our first trial and error session is to begin on Wednesday-I had to set a specific day so that I would be committed.  Brian will be gone all week for Ohio Project and it will just be me and Miss Alli.  I was not going to try this before the baby, but she is always talking about it, wanting to wipe her bum and of course flush the toilet.  While we were home over Christmas she even pee pee'd a little in the potty after watching her cousins Ady and Emma use the potty.  What will it hurt to give it a go?! (that's what I tell myself)  We will be staying at home for I don't know how many days in just underwear-lets clarify-Alli will just be in her underwear:)  Here we go!

2.  To start packing up things we don't use in our house at the moment so our move in a few months won't be as overwhelming when I have a toddler AND a newborn to worry about while trying to organize our house.  I just wish my mom was here already to help me organize-she has a talent for doing that.

3.  To make something for this new baby :)  With Alli I spent so much time making and planning her nursery, this little one is getting a little less playing time:)  Hopefully I can manage a few burp cloths or something before the big day.

That's all I can manage to set for now.  I hope a few of these come to pass and get accomplished!  

I do have some good news for myself that I thought I would share.  I told Brian the other night that I can actually count the # of night shifts that I have left on one hand!  Yeah!  I love my job and don't want to be finished necessarily, but those night shifts are getting even harder now that I'm getting rather large and uncomfortable. 

Here are a few pics from Christmas:  Alli got a shiny new pair of red cowboy boots that she always wants to wear, a singing machine and many more other toys-she was definitely one lucky little lady...

I just posted a few, but we had a really great Christmas!  We stayed in Columbus and had our own little family Christmas-had a good time with friends- and then Christmas night flew in to visit our families.  We had a good visit at home and Alli absolutely loved her time with her cousins-she talks about "the Kids"  all of the time and always says "jacket on and go see the kids."  We love our families and are excited to see them again this summer!

I'll try to take some more updated pictures as I'm sure I'll have some from this next week as I try to humor myself about Alli and her potty training experience :)


krista jo said...

Reading this made me miss you! You are so funny...I am glad you clarified that you wouldn't be in your underwear too :) Good luck with potty training and woohoo for only a few days left of work!

Such cute pictures too.

Kristen Westbrook said...

You crack me up Lac! We just did potty training all last week and it really wasn't as bad as I thought! Just be consistent and call me if you need some moral support! They catch on way quicker then you would think and Miss A already doesn't want my help when she goes now!

cheeks said...

oh good luck with the potty training! it will definitely be nice for you to only have 1 in diapers....i've been so back and forth about it, but E doesn't really show much interest so i guess we're putting it off till after baby! great news about counting down the night shifts, that will be nice for you to get some normal sleep! call me if ya want to sew....i bought some flannel in attempts to at least make a couple receiving blankets :)

Matt & Katie said...

Glad you guys had a great Christmas and congrats to the countdown of night shifts. I seriously don't know how you do it! Good luck with potty training too! While we were with cousins over x-mas they would potty so Averi keeps saying "I go potty." I was pumped and bought her a potty! Its just become a toy so I guess I'll try later when she cares! Can't believe you only have a few weeks left!

Beau & Shannon said...

I should make those my resolutions- send your mom my way, i could use her too. I hate packing.

Perry's said...

Good for you to set all those goals, I am sure you will be successful, good luch potty training!! I'm jealous you can count your shifts on one hand, I still have a while. Cute pics from Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Good you finally posted some pictures of my Miss Alli.
I have been missing her along with the little people!
Can't wait for you guys to come in a couple of weeks!!