Sunday, April 27, 2008

A to Z tag from the Tiffanator

A- Attached or Single: attached
B- Best Friend: Brian and my mama
C- Cake or Pie: cake-I hate pie!
D- Day of Choice: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
E- Essential Item: chapstick-I can't live without it!
F- Favorite Color: Red, red and more red
G- Gummy Bears or Worms: I love gummy things, but I'm going to have to agree with Tiffany-sourpatch kids or watermelons
H- Hometown: Sunny St. George, UT-living in Ohio
I- Indulgences: chocolate ice cream and Reeses peanut butter cups
J- January or July: July
K- Kids: currently have one in the oven...
L- Life is incomplete without: Family and sunny warm days with blossoms
M- Marriage Date: June 12, 2004
N- Number of Siblings: 2 bros and thats it-I need another sister in law...
O- Oranges or Apples: both-if apples though they have to be Gala-I hate red delicious apples...
P- Phobias or Fears: the dark
Q- Quote: "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it"
R- Reason to Smile: Spring and Summer, hugs and kisses, family vacations
S- Something New: ??
T- Tag: Rachel Dansie, Kricky, Krista Jo, Krista Paxton, Kailee Dawn, Aubrey Taiese
U- Unknown Fact About Me: On occasion I sometimes say sh!t if I hurt myself or am totally overwhelmed or just for kicks and giggles-I get my potty mouth from my cowgirl ways and my daddy
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor Of Animal: I love animals, but I like their meat better
W- Worst Habit: leaving my hair in the shower
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: ultrasounds, they are for fun things like babies
Y- Your Favorite Food: my grandma's homemade rolls, mashed potatoes/gravy, homegrown Pine Valley Corn and a big ol' roast
Z- Zoo Animal: Zebra-its the closest thing to a horsie


aubphotography said...

Love reading that Lacy! geez i need to see u pregers. ill bet u look so cute.and i will bet i have a worse potty mouth than u.( do u know who my dad is? lol)email me your email.

The Albrecht's said...

Lacey, that is hilarious! I never knew you had such a potty mouth. Lundon and I are giggling about that right now:)

Candice Warby said...

Lacey, I didn't know you had a potty mouth either. You're such a sweetheart. I hope you're feeling better with the pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

good tunes

krista jo said...

haha! all I have to say about your potty mouth is Charlie's and you backing out with a minor rear-view mirror incident! haha! I think that was the first and only time I have heard it...suprised I never heard one while marathoning... :)

Kim said...

Your dang straight she is riding a horse. Come July out at the ranch she will be a cowgirl

tiffany and darren said...

Lace, did you get my email about Wicked? I heard back from Adrienne and I wasn't sure if my email went through to you or not. We are thinking a Saturday from Sep. 6-Oct. 4. Let me know if you didn't get the email and I will resend it.
p.s. fun post, love reading about you :)