Sunday, April 6, 2008

Our new adventure begins...

Here are the first pictures taken of Baby Beckstrom who is due November 2nd, 2008! Brian and I are so excited and both a little nervous about this new adventure. Me being a nurse doesn't really help this because I have seen and know what and how things can go wrong. At our first appointment the Practicioner told me to "put my nursing side away and relax" she must have gotten that I was a tad bit obsessed with all the stuff I was rambling on about, she is awesome though and made me feel really comfortable about the whole thing, ha ha (luckily Brian is so mellow and calm, he laughed at me with all the stuff I was going on and on about....).

So far this pregnancy has been going well other than I have felt utterly "paralyzed" or rather "disabled" due to my ALL FREAKIN' DAY SICKNESS!! Luckily I have found some relief from my new best friend--a drug we call Zofran. I never thought I would be "one of those girls" who HAD to have Zofran or IV fluids, but I've given up on planning and expecting, I decided I am learning a lot of patience from this experience. Now, I can actually function and go to work without feeling like I am going to die from nausea/dry heaving/throwing up. I am so lucky to have a great husband who has picked up the slack and has cooked, cleaned, done the laundry, gone shopping and beckoned my every need and call since I have been struck with "the sickness." He is so sweet and I am grateful to have such a wonderful guy in my life.

I wasn't planning on announcing so early, but since I was so sick when we went home during spring break, my mom guessed it right on the money and so did my Grandma Snow. How can you lie when you can't eat anything, are dryheaving, and not acting normal?? My mom then said I had to tell my dad, who was speechless when I told him, he was so cute and excited about it, so even though I was not feeling well it made it a special and exciting moment(my parents have been waiting for this moment since Brian and I have been married and my dad now wants to get a horse that the grandkids can ride...a little premature I know). My brothers were even excited about the news. So, since we told my family Brian wanted to tell his family etc. etc. and so I gave up and gave in and so the news has spread to other friends and family who have now shared in our exciting news. We are happy and ready for this new addition to our family...we are taking bets now on what it is. I think its a boy and so does Brian (he made a joke about its little dinga ling being the umbilical cord,so Brian). Nat my sister in law says that the "Beckstrom Boy gene" is pretty strong and lethal so we'll see. I am up for either. I'm just rooting to make it to the 2nd trimester!


*/ Jillian said...

congrats lac! That is so neat for you guys. I hear ya with the zofran. it is definatly a life saver when you just want to die!

April Nielsen said...

Hey congrats!!! I am a little partial to boys they are great. I know saying this might not help but it does get better and towards the end you'll wish you could stop eating. So excited for you!!

Megan said...

Yipee! I am so excited for you guys! I love that we both got pregnant pretty close to each other! I was wondering if it would be soon! Seriously congratulations! Sounds like you have been pretty sick. Yuck. I have been sick but not zofran sick! I hope it moves fast for you. I thought it was so funny when you were talking about everything you are worried about. Congratulations again!

Kristen Westbrook said...

Yeah! I am so glad you posted about it finally, I was waiting patiently!!! Don't worry we can be miserable together, and yes my new best friend is Zofran also! I swear I could not function without it. Just know that I feel your pain and it does get better, I swear it will even though it feels like an eternity right now! So excited for you two! Yeah for all the little babies that will be arriving soon!

Candice Warby said...

Congratulations. That is such fabulous news. And if you think you're learning patience now, just wait until the little one comes. I'm a firm believer that Heavenly Father gives us children to teach us patience and humility. I hope you get feeling better soon!!

The Albrecht's said...

Congrats! Your ultrasound pic's are so cool. Lundon and I were just admiring them. We hope that you will have a boy too, so that Benson will have a little buddy to hang out with:)

The Weston's said...

congrats congrats congrats! good luck with the whole pregnancy- It doesn't seem fair all that we deal with sometimes does it? totally worth it - So happy for you!

Shawn, Hayley and Jack said...

Oh boy the sickness... I hated that part. But it will end and it will be completely worth it, promise. We are really excited for you guys. Best wishes! Oh I remember I got these suckers from motherhood (you can look it up online) they really helped with the sickness, they have ginger in them, I guess that is suppose to settle your stomach, it's worth a try.

Lindsay said...

So fun! I can't believe everyone is finally pregnant, where were you guys 2 years ago?! Are you going to find out if you really are having a BOY?

aubphotography said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i love it! i feel for u on being sick! blah....congrates!

Kinsly said...

Lacey! I am so excited for you. I was just wondering the other day when this would happen for ya. So fun! I love being a mommy. And you'll be great! I know what you mean about knowing too much...Well, I hope its a boy too, only because I'm a little biased. Good luck with the first trimester. Trust me it gets better. Feeling the baby move is the neatest sensation ever. I loved it!

Bart and Krista said...

I am SO excited you are having a baby! We will have fun taking our little ones out and about! (I'm sure we'll need some time before that comes around.)

CassideeT said...

Congratulations! I'm sorry you're so sick. I always (um, as in twice) felt so terrible the first trimester, but it sounds like a walk in the park compared to your experience. It will be worth it though. I hope things get better quickly! Tyler and I had a good laugh about the "dinga ling". Too funny. . .

krista jo said...

Yipee! I would like to add my excitement to all of are so dang cute Lac! I can just picuture you freaking out and I love it! Can't wait to find out boy or girl!

Rebecs said...

Congrats guys! We are so excited for you! Having your first baby is so magical and amazing. And now having one of each I can attest that either sex is SO fun! I can imagine the excitement of your parents. They are always so cute with Mason when we go down there. Your mom and all her toys and your dad, well he's about as grandchild hungry as they get!

Kim said...

giddy i need your address. I am going private

Ash said...

WOW!! Lacy that is so exciting, and I loved the write up!