Sunday, February 14, 2010

One year older and...Valentine's too!

I love this time of year! Not only is it Valentine's, but my birthday too:) Sugar cookies, candy, pink and red colors everywhere, fun presents and Valentine's cards and of course LOVE is in the air. Although I am no longer in my younger years (yes, I turned 25+1) it is still fun to have a birthday. I didn't get to decorate sugar cookies with all my friends like in the old days, but I was lucky to spend the day with one of my favorite little people- Alli J.-she even told me Happy B-day(in her own way of course-by taking a good nap:)). We played together, and then we kept it kinda low key with Brian and I going out to dinner together without our little munchkin runnin' around and I had my favorite dish-filet mignon! Yum! I got some fun things in the mail thanks to my lovely families and some nice stuff from Alli & Brian. Oh, yeah, and our good buds Steph and Dave surprised me with my favorite dessert-a Culver's Chocolate Snickers Concrete Mixer that I got to have all to myself AND a nice gift card to my favorite place to eat out-OUTBACK!What! I guess it wasn't so bad turning 26 after all:) Boo ya!
 Yes, Alli likes to wear Brian's basketball shoes too!

Alli turned 15 months old this Feb. and is FULL of it, I mean, life!:) She is still short at a whoppin' 29.25 in.-15th%tile, and 23.5 lbs 55th%tile, but we L-O-V-E her:)
Oh and in case you didn't hear, we have LOADS and LOADS of snow right now and this is what Alli thinks of it ...

I think I agree with her!  Here is our pitiful attempt at making a snow man-mind you we are from Southern "sunny" Utah:)

and we were only able to be out there for a max of 5 minutes with our little one who sunk all the way down with that short stature of hers:)

Valentines was fun-Alli got some sweet sunglasses to help her with the blinding reflection that comes off of the snow(not the sun cause their ain't none:( Don't mind her runny nose, chocolate on her face and slobber on her chest-she has come down with one yucky cold, bummer...

and she loves to draw and color(on)everything, so an etch-a-sketch thingy was her choice of toys at the store:)
Brian got me this delicious piece of heaven

Chocolate and Reese's from Cold Stone anyone? Yummy in my tummy! How did he know what I wanted? What a wonderful week of events, even though there is snow:)


Kristen Westbrook said...

Looks like you had a great birthday turning 25+ hahaha. I still am in denial that we are getting that old! Sad Miss Alli J has a cold, so does Addie and it is a nasty one as well! I still think they are destined to be BFF's Addie loves to color on everything and got crayons and coloring books for V-day and also has the exact same car keys as Alli!! I love it (and wish we lived closer)! Miss you and glad you had a wonderful B-day!!!

krista jo said...

looks like fun! Glad you had a good day

I am sad I didn't get to frost cookies with you either...we will definitely have to do that again soon :)

Can you send me some of that cake, please?

Stizz said...

I'm glad you don't think 26 is so bad...enjoy your 20's while they last, they'll be gone before you know it. :( lol And I love Alli's face in the picture with Brian's show. :) Oh, and we didn't know you got chocolate cake from Brian, so I hope our piece on Valentine's Day wasn't over-load for you. :)

Kinsly said...

Alli is so cute! I love all her hair. I can't wait for Ashley to get more hair for piggy tails and what not. And hey, Happy belated birthday! It sounds like it was great. Lots of yummy sounding food. :) Can't go wrong with chocolate.

Marcie said...

HAPPY HAPPY belated birthday!!! I really am so jealous of that cake!!!

Traci & Steve said...

Lace she is getting so BIG and cute... K we are planning on seeing you and brian during the open so dont come to new york and forget about us... ha ha ha