Tuesday, May 11, 2010

18 months

Alli has hit her 18 month mark-it's hard to believe we've all made it this far:)  She is a sweet, funny, social, loving, crazy, active little gal and we love her to pieces! 

She had her first day of Nursery this past Sunday(Mother's Day) and it was great-for her and for us.  It was the best gift Alli could have given me:)  We were able to listen without any distractions.  We dropped her off, she ran right to all the other little kids and toys and started playing-not a shy bone in her cute little short body!  Brian and I checked on her in between meetings and she was talking and playing away.  When Brian picked her up she said "dada" and ran over to him, but then she just kept looking back at the toys and kids-its difficult for her to leave a good time:)  Church is going to be a lot better now for all of us:)  

After church-all smiles-at least I was:)  Alli was starting to lose her energy after all that playing and talking at Nursery...
 Alli ran out of gas...

She loves to try to help with whatever we are doing

She is finally getting some more hair-it is actually getting longer and we are able to have a few options with style:)   Alli doesn't appreciate having anything in her hair, however, so she takes every clip or cute accessory out of her hair within minutes...

Loves to play outside!
Is getting better at feeding herself-still really messy though:)

Is no longer afraid of the stairs and is quite the climber!
Alli is doing so many fun things its hard to keep track-her vocabulary is growing daily it seems.  Brian and I were trying to remember everything that she says and thought we might want to document it somewhere so we don't forget:

mama or mommy
"dobby" for boppy-she loves this thing!  It is her substitute for a security blanket:)
"ereal" for cereal
nana-for banana
"ite" for kite
Bo-for boy
"mow" for more and she signs it when she says it
"nummy" for when she wants a treat or snack and runs to the pantry to point at what she wants
ollo-for hello-she says this when she is pretending to talk on the phone
bye bye
Oh!-whenever she gets excited about something
ouch-she loves to say this and gets a scrunched up face-even if something doesn't hurt:)
"guck" for stuck-anything she can't get to is "guck"
"joe joe" for a dog-every dog is named "Joe Joe
Yah!-she says this a lot more than no now thank goodness:)
Ka Ka-anything that we don't want her to get into-she says if for most everything
guys-to get our attention:)
"dis" for this
poo poo-she hasn't necessarily correlated it for when she goes however:)
two-she has this mastered for when she turns 2
"no" for nose and actually sticks her finger up her nose to point at it
"coot" for cute-she usually correlates this with "coot shoes":)
bubble-she LOVES bubbles
Keys-she is obsessed with keys and tries to open everything with them
"peas" for please
Night Night
"ook" for book
 "icker" for sticker

Animal sounds:
quack quack for duck-and we have a lot around here so she is constantly "quacking"
roar-she growls whenever she sees a tiger or lion
Ew Ew-for a monkey
bunny-she scrunches up her nose
She knows all her body parts-head, hair, nose, ears, mouth, teeth, tongue, belly, belly-button, arms, hands, legs, feet, and toes.

Alli has her 18 month appointment this upcoming week so we shall see what her stats are-pretty sure she has grown a little because some of her pants don't fit her anymore!

There is never a dull moment with Alli-she is our little stinker and we like her that way:)


Kim said...

She is flippin cute Lace. And she has got some good skin too.Time for number two

cheeks said...

She is such a cute little stinker! i don't know how you could ever tell those gorgeous brown eyes NO! i love that she says "guys" to get your attention! so funny!

Nat B. said...

Your Chicago trip looks like fun! Wish we could swing it to come to NYC. We just have to many darn kids!
Sounds like Alli is talking more then Landon :) I'm okay with it, I want him to stay my baby as long as possible.

*/ Jillian said...

She looks like such a fun little thing! What a doll.

Lindsay said...

loving the hair!

Andrus Family said...

I love the hair styles...I remember trying to put pigtails in Brynns hair at that age. Now- its such a disaster by the end of the day- even when I do it good in the morning! Ahh, the life of a mother!