Saturday, May 29, 2010

Nothin' Much

When I talk to anyone from back home the question is always asked "What's going on?"  Well, my answer is pretty much always "nothin' much"  So that's the theme of this post:)  We don't do much that's too exciting-everyday life usually gets in the way:)  Brian goes to school, I go to work and of course do the mommy thing everyday-even after working all night-not much fun sometimes, but that's life I suppose.  So, here are just some random pics...

We play together

Alli's friend Benson had a pirate b-day party and she loved the hat so she wore it for the rest of the day:) Don't try to take it off for her to take a nap'll see

We went to the zoo the other day and saw the baby elephant and fishies-Alli does this face for fish

Talking to the big kids at the zoo-she loves to chat

Just dancing and playing

 Trying to be a happy and patient mom after working all night-pale faced, dark circles under they eyes and all-staying up for >24 hours doesn't do much for me

And every once in awhile when I get the time (or rather when I'm not sneaking in a nap with Alli-shh don't tell)  I like to make fun things like this for the little stinker-I can't decide if its too matchy matchy though, Brian's opinion is always-"it looks good" so....

That's about it-nothin' much!


Kristen Westbrook said...

Oh my word Lac, she is getting so big and you can tell she is so spunky, I love it! I really cannot believe you work all night and then watch her all day, you are super woman! When will you be in SG this summer? We need to have a play date and Chat!!!
p.s. that outfit is adorable, if you think it's to matchy matchy just send it my way ;) hahahha

krista jo said...

I are superwoman! I can barely work all day and come home and recoup (and I don't have a kid to take care of). Seriously. You are awesome!

I like seeing pictures of your cute house and cute baby...not to mention your seamstress skills!

Beau & Shannon said...

My gosh, I thought you bought that...and if you did, you paid a lot of money... good job- very impressed! and very cute!

Lindsay said...

she is SOO cute! she keeps getting cuter and cuter. and I LOVE the dress.

Matt & Katie said...

We are just the same around here - nothin' much! Hopefully you guys have some fun summer plans though?! So I am OBSESSED with the dress you made! I need sewing lessons :) You should seriously make and sell those for a ton of $$!

Gai said...

Your family pix's are darling.