Thursday, September 30, 2010

New York New York!

 We made our way to New York earlier this month for an "adult" trip (I don't know how adult with Brian's bro's around) with the Beckstrom Clan.  Brian's parents and all of Brian's siblings attended and it was a good time.  Our wonderful friends Lundon/Adrienne/Benson watched Alli for us while we took off for almost a week.  We have never left her before so it was a little daunting, but it was so wonderful to spend time together and not have a little toddler to tow around.  We missed her, but it was fun to experience New York like "singles" again:)  We owe a big thanks to the Albrechts for babysittin and for all the updates:)

Our first night we spent with Traci and Steve and Traci's mom and her sister and husband :)  It was fun to catch up with them and we owe them a big one for giving us their couches and homemade waffles.  Steve sacrificed a lot for us-rooming with his mother-in-law- I don't know many guys who would make that kind of sacrifice, so hats off to him:)  Traci saved us big time on time and money so anyone who is going to NY-give Traci a buzz!

NY sunset at the U.S. Open
We were able to see Nadal in action-pretty cool although I prefer to cheer for Federer:)
V. Williams in all her glory!  She had a pretty sweet outfit on-sparkles and all!

A few of the crew at the U.S. Open

Yankees Game

I really wish I wanted to eat this or any chocolate for that matter.  The Hershey's store would have been so awesome if I had wanted to eat any sweets, so I guess I'll just settle for pretending for now.

The Cloister Museum of Medieval History and such.  It was neat inside, but I'm sure the Beckstrom's got a lot more out of it than me:)  History buffs, what can you do when you married into a family full of them'?

Fun times a long the way-I don't know what brought this on:)

Brian and Ben having one of their "fights" as we like to call them

Interesting-kind of illegal- ride through Central park-luckily none of us died:)

I took advantage of some comfy couches on about the 70th floor while everyone took their sweet time soaking up the view from the Rockefeller Building-I really did fall asleep and Brian caught me, luckily I wasn't drooling.

This was a memorial at Battelle Park-it was recovered from the Twin Towers site.  The flame is always burning in remembrance to all who lost or gave their lives.  Very moving, the whole area, it really hits home when you actually visit the place where Sept. 11th happened.  I can't even comprehend how it must have felt to have been here at the time that it happened and to have lost family, friends and loved ones.  There is a special spirit here.

Ben and Brian a top the Rockefeller-they bonded really well on this trip:)

We attended church in the same building as the New York Temple.  It was a wonderful testimony meeting and its amazing how big it is when you go in.

A boat tour around the city-it was nice and relaxing for our first day the most sitting that we were able to do:)  Brooke and Ben are also expecting a baby-just weeks after our due date so it was fun to chat about that even though I'm jealous that she doesn't have "the sickness" :)

Girls night out at a singing diner for hopeful Broadway beginners!

Barbara in all her glory-it was pretty funny and I'm glad she invested in getting her photo taken:) $5.00

Taking a breather after all the walking and near death experience of our bike ride in Central Park.  The most exciting $20.00 that we ever invested :)

The Ladies at a ladies store-too bad it was closed or else we totally would have all gotten something :)

 It was a blast hanging out with everyone and getting to catch up.  The no kids thing will have to continue on although that includes not being pregnant.  I was very happy that I was able to do most everything, but I could very well do without the nausea.  Brian mentioned getting a surrogate for our next kid and I said that was a great idea-we'll see if we make it that far ;)  Lots of jokes make for a good time so thanks to all who took the time to attend and to Brice for being our fearless leader!


Lizzy said...

Cute pics! I wish I knew you were out here and I would have come said hello! Looks like you guys had a ton of fun!

krista jo said...


jealous you guys got to go to the open!