Friday, February 4, 2011

Potty Update

We have some good news to report...this little hooligan has officially gone #2 on the toilet 2 days in a row for a total of 5 times-woo hoo!!  I never thought I would be so excited about poop, but hey this is one big step-we'll take it (and yes I am counting) :)  Who knows if it will last, but its better than nothing.  She has actually come to me on her own and told me she needs to go-no forcing this one.  The first day Alli did it she kept running around in a circle saying she needed to go, but refused to go into the bathroom-I offered her a pull up because I felt so bad for her that she was holding it in so long, but she refused one.  I think she finally decided it had to come out so she RAN to the potty saying "mommy I gotta go poo poo" and was doing a little dance.  I sat her on the toilet and the rest I'll leave to your imagination-we've all done it and know the rest of the story:)  Alli has also been waking up a little more dry in her pull ups from nap time, but the night time wetness has kind of stayed the same.  We have our fingers crossed that this will continue-although I keep telling myself not to be too disappointed if she regresses a little off and on.  Oh the joys!     


cheeks said...

way to go alli j!!! that's awesome!

Kim said...

Gotta love getting excited about poop :) way to go!

Megan said...

Good for you guys! Holy cow. I don't think Lilly will ever be potty trained. I tried it for a few days and we had 0 success. So I decided to wait until March. I don't want to do it.