Sunday, November 1, 2009

HaPpY BiRtHo-WeEn AlLi J./MiNnIe MoUsE!

We have had a lot goin' on these past few weeks with Halloween and Alli's Birthday-its crazy that she is OFFICIALLY the big #1 TODAY! We had a ward Halloween party, Trick or Trunk, and Alli's Birthday/Halloween Party all within one week-phew! We have had lots of fun and Alli has had lots of entertainment:) It's always fun having fun:)!

Alli was Minnie Mouse this year-she was so cute in her outfit and she actually kept her ears on too :)

Since Alli was Minnie-we decided to be BiG Mickey and Minnie as well as it wasn't too difficult to make the outfits-Brian has to incorporate tights into his Halloween costumes-just different colors each year-yellow, green and this year he went with Black :) All his idea too...

Here is our first Halloween Party-all the boys-we had Shredder(beau), Flower (Dave), Mickey (brian) and Headless Horseman(Tyler)

Alli and Tatum or "Taterello"

She discovered chocolate candy at our ward's Trick or Trunk-she especially loved the chocolate candy bars 100 grand and Twix as you can see...Alli really wanted us to open up the candy so she wouldn't have to suck the wrapper off...we gave in and this is what happened next...

Alli's Birthday Party/Halloween Party-we ate some delicious foods and desserts, played Bingo, "Bobbing" for donuts, and Speed(basketball)

This is the closest we came to a picture of everyone :)

The Dansies gave the donut game a good shot...

Then the Jumps-Stephanie was pretty quick...

The May's-they were sweet looking Olympic Skeleton riders...

Then "Buzz"/Davis gave it us all a run for our money with his miniature donut :)

We gave it a go, I think we could've won except Brian inhaled the powder and couldn't get it all down fast enough-darn it :) I didn't get a picture of the winners Bart and Krista-she actually ate the last of her donut off of the floor to win it for them!

We played speed-pretty funny in costumes

If awards were given out for best costume-Dave and Steph would have gotten them-hats off to you guys-you mimes were a hit-they even played their parts-no talking the whole night! (not really)

Alli had a great time with all her buddies-Benson, Whitney, Emri, Averi, Ashton, Tatum, Reece, Davis, and Lexi-I didn't catch a picture with them all since they were all over the place:)

The cake-she wasn't too interested in it with all the people around and she was getting tired so Buzz gave her a hand with blowing out the candle...

Whitney helped Alli open her presents since she is 3 months her senior :)

Today on her birthday:
Alli is such a sweet, cute, loving, fun, enthusiastic, energetic, and social little gal! We can't believe she is ONE! Some of the things she is doing is waving and saying "hi" and "bye",she really likes saying "wow"and really emphasizes the "O" of her mouth:), making doggie and cow sounds, loves to clap-she stops what she is doing and claps if she hears anyone doing it or if its on TV, sing and dance to music especially "Itsy Bitsy Spider" "Popcorn popping" and the "ABC's", loves eating EVERYTHING especially when we are eating without her-we always have to share, she has recently discovered chocolate candy :) Alli stands on her own, but is scared to walk by herself so she still prefers crawling as her way of transportation, gives us kisses-usually wet ones, has discovered cupboards and drawers and loves to get in them, is a social butterfly-just recently we were at a restaurant and a lady came by and asked if she could show her to her friends at the next table-so without a second thought, Alli went to her and performed for them smiling and clapping and waving saying her adorable little "Hi", where did she get that from? Maybe Brian hmmm...I hope she eventually gets some stranger anxiety or something or she is going to as they say "give us a run for our money :)" it's crazy how fast time goes by, but to us she will always be our little "stinker"! Happy Birthday Alli J. We Love You!


cheeks said...

Hey Lacy! I figured I could find your blog if I surfed long enough :) Alli is just so dang cute! Thanks for a fun party! I think your family costumes were the best...all totally homemade! very impressive! Happy Birthday to Alli J! luv, Jami, Brett & Emri

Andrus Family said...

What a fun post Lacy...1 year old, huh? My how time flies! Alli is adorable. Your ward looks so fun...can I move out there? When you get a need to check out my blog for some exciting news....

Kristen Westbrook said...

Ok could Miss Alli J. get any cuter! I love your Halloween costumes you all looked so adorable!! Can you believe she is one, crazy isn't it! I love the last few pictures of her she is so dang cute! Oh yes and I got Addie's red shoes and good old Walmart (they actually get some pretty cute little kiddies shoes in) gotta love it!
P.S. We want to plan a girls trip to NYC....what do you think??

Kinsly said...

Oh my gosh, the costumes you made are adorable. You'll have to teach me how to sew when you move back Lacy. I have a sewing machine, but the poor thing never gets used. :) And YES I did see Laurie's blog...crazy! She's doubling her kids in one know there's actually something kind of nice about that.

The Albrecht's said...

I LOVE the picture of Alli sitting on the steps. She is adorable. That's so funny that she loves candy. I'm sure there will be plenty this weekend for her at my in-laws! I'm excited for her and Benson to play together.

Rebecs said...

Your costumes are killer! You are so creative and handy, I love it! I just love the new pictures of Alli and her 1 yr. check update from mom's perspective. You'll be so glad you wrote that because trust me, you will forget. I need to do better at documenting that kind of stuff.